Friday, June 24, 2011

Back to blogging....

It's been a while since I bloggered. Blogged? Either way, it's been a long time. I wont bore you with the details of why, but lets start with where I am right now. I'm 31. Live with my boyfriend of 2 years and my boys (15 and 8). Getting divorced if I can ever track down my ex husband. We have a cat. We often work crazy hours and sometimes only see each other for 5 minutes at a time. I currently work in a Supermarket and have for 5 years and hate it so much right now. I think of us often as a typical suburban family. We work, play, transport kids here and there, wish we had more time to take vacations, and can't stand to be apart. I never knew true love until I met my wonderful man. I'm so grateful to have him in mine and my children's lives!

Right now; I'm currently into a fairly intense weight loss challenge for myself; ultimately I'd love to lose another 20 pounds to be 100% at my "correct" weight for my height, but I'm at the point right now where that's all hard hard work and I have to struggle for each and every pound but thats ok and I'm up for it! But it takes time. I have a regular yoga practice for close to a year now, and regularly attend hot yoga classes. In October I am going for the Go Grounded kids yoga teacher training. I am hoping to carry on and train to teach all age groups and eventually open my own yoga studio. My 8 yr old loves yoga and takes regular classes as well, and my boyfriend and oldest son also do yoga. We truly believe it is the fountain of youth. I also go through spurts of running a lot, and then not at all.

We are eating mostly vegetarian these days, and from time to time I may share photos and or recipes of what we're eating. Some of my inlaw-family is vegan/allergy issues so we do often cook and bake that way as well. We work around all of our allergies and try not to run into bad allergic reactions! So I welcome you all on this journey back to blogging as a "new" person :)

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