I say bloggity in real life...like some people say "shucks" is that weird? Been a bad blogger this week; BF came down with a wicked bad flu and has been home on the couch or in bed for 3 days now. Kids are out of school. Days off; what's that? We did spend a little time down at Riverside Park for Canada Day in the afternoon but it was quite cloudy and chilly so we didn't stay long. We bundled up at home and watched the fireworks from the deck-and were so glad we didn't have to drive 5km/h to get home an hour after the fireworks!
I've been cooking up some good stuff lately; I often don't think to take a photo till we've eaten half though so I need to remember to be more attentive. We've been loving this vegan creation rice a roni that I swear I got from a particular vegan blog and cannot find now...grrr...I do have the recipe written down so I'll post it here but if you are the creator of this recipe I am happy to link to you!
Vegan/Vegetarian Rice-a-Roni
1/2c orzo
1/2c white rice
2c prepared vegetable or vegan chicken stock
3 green onions, diced
2 cloves garlic, pressed or chopped small (I use more)
2T soy sauce
1T olive or vegetable oil
In a saucepan heat oil and add orzo, tossing to coat. Heat until orzo begins to brown on all sides, add remaining ingredients, stir and cook covered on medium heat for 25-30 minutes, until all the water is absorbed and the rice and orzo are cooked. You can substitute an equal amount of broken vermicelli for the orzo as well, following the same directions as above.
The only pic I have is it just about done cooking - but it looks amazing!

And tonight we had BBQ garlic, mushrooms and asparagus with olive oil, sea salt and lemon, mmm sooo good!!