Friday, well, I didn't want to be done "too" I wasted alot of time, even went to wash my car (and sat in line for 25 minutes before we could even get INTO the carwash!)
Thursday evening I torted and filled the cakes
Yikes that top torted layer is crooked!
Slapped on a quick crumb coat
I needed to make more icing, but ended up babysitting for a couple hours Friday biggie, I can do it Saturday morning right?
First thing Saturday morning I mixed another batch of icing, and got a good coat on, let it crust and then ran a roller sponge over it to smooth. I also cut the notches for the turrets at this point.
Did some shell borders
Added vines, door and windows
Added turrets and painted door & window frames. Also added flowers to window boxes. Turret tops are covered in fondant and painted with vodka to add sheen, then sprinkled with colored sugar.
Side view

I wasn't worried so much about "making" the cake, I knew it would work out..what I was most worried about was transporting it across town in my car. In the end, I placed a large scrap of fabric inside a milk crate, slipped the cake on top of that, and then wrapped another fabric scrap around the bottom of the base of the cake to prevent it from moving around. Thankfully I got it there all in one piece, with nothing breaking off! I did have an emergency cake repair kit in my bag though! The party started at 1pm...and was 15 minutes across the city....I finished this cake at 12:45 and made it just in time!
The party was in a local McDonalds, and even as I crossed the parking lot with the cake, I was getting compliments. As soon as I walked in (McDonalds on a Saturday afternoon, sooooooo busy!!) I was practically mobbed by people wanting to see! Everyone wanted to know who made it, etc. Of course, I was in such a rush, I forgot my business cards (for my other business) at home! I did get a name & number for one woman who wants a castle cake at the end of the month! In the end, the cake was awesome, everyone loved it, and the Birthday Girl couldn't have been happier!!
The End.
The party was in a local McDonalds, and even as I crossed the parking lot with the cake, I was getting compliments. As soon as I walked in (McDonalds on a Saturday afternoon, sooooooo busy!!) I was practically mobbed by people wanting to see! Everyone wanted to know who made it, etc. Of course, I was in such a rush, I forgot my business cards (for my other business) at home! I did get a name & number for one woman who wants a castle cake at the end of the month! In the end, the cake was awesome, everyone loved it, and the Birthday Girl couldn't have been happier!!
The End.